
 Pinehill Way / Kia Kaha

This term we are learning about being a good Pinehill person and we are doing the Kia Kaha programme. Kia Kaha means stay strong.  So far we have learnt about our differences and similarities. We have discussed what makes us special and Mrs Blau has videoed each of us saying one thing that we are good at. 

Here is our Circle of Friends
As a class we discussed what it is to be a good friend and how, as a class, we are like a little family. We will learn together, play together, make mistakes together, laugh and celebrate successes together over the next 4 terms.

What makes Room 8 great?
We do !!

*Absent Henna

1 comment:

  1. WOW Room 8 ! I am really impressed with your fantastic blog. I loved the video post of you all being Jack in the Boxes with Mrs Hohaia in the Rhythm Room. Very cool, and clever Mrs Blau for doing such wonderful things in your class too. I also enjoyed listening to your reading.
    Mrs Penberthy Room 23
